
Victory is best celebrated with food and games!

Congratulations to my lovely boyfriend Ash and his basketball team for being the winners of this season's matches in the B division. After attending multiple games, I have a very high level of respect for these guys. Who knew basketball was so involved? from the team strategies to the individual skills needed, its a pretty tough call. I used to think just being tall was enough because you could easily reach the shooting ring :)

To celebrate we all went over to Karl's house for a "bbq" which turned out to be just a food sesh and some good conversation and games. In my opinion these are the best kind of celebrations! Relaxing, good food, interesting social observations thrown in the mix, with dreams and goals in life shared, it was an overall very good day.

"And that is the reason why this victory is great, because different players have made contributions to the win."

Almost every victory in life has come about because of someone else. In life even though we may think we are on our own, there is always someone supporting and assisting you. Whether it may be your family or your friends, it may not seem that clear at first but someone is always around to help you win. It's really important that we all reflect on what we have achieved and give recognition to who has helped us get there.


It's been getting pretty cold here in Sydney, so the last thing I wanted to do today was freeze to death. An I miss wearing my mario hat...So I came up with this!

I am totally in love with this jumper, I've been wearing it non stop. So comfortable!


Trust the highlights of my day to be the food, but also some great company :)

Huge props to my boy :)!! Well deserved win!

Karl and his girlfriend Christine made this wonderful chilli fish dish on rice. So yum! It was also complimented by a killer potato salad which I didn't take a picture of.
Thought nothing could top lunch but it came pretty close - Satay Pho Noodle Soup from Noodle House ;)

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