
Single people have more interesting lives

The other day, I was innocently sitting at friends house when suddenly a full forced verbal assault on "people with plus 1's" or in otherwise known as "couples" was carried out. The most amusing conversation continued with stereotypes of couples flying left right and center. Not only did it include humorously animated recounts of conversations that are had between two couples (acted-out by two males in this instance) but also included some heavily over-used stereotypes. This of course came from a person that was single and obviously hung over from the night before.

I thought I'd retaliate with a "in your face blog post" -  not to single you out? haha... excuse the pun, but I noticed that single people usually fall into the following categories:

Newly Single

You can find them at the latest parties, going out and partying it hard with other single people. Newly single people can't stand to be around other couples, because it just makes them want to punch them. They hide the hurt by surrounding themselves with fun loving fun people.

The Picky Single

We've all met someone in our lives that are single because they are just too darn picky to actually find a human who can live up to their expectations. These single people are the most annoying of all simple because they actually don't want to be single, so they complain about it constantly but they are soo anal retentive that no one can actually be with them.

The Time Poor Singles

It's a known fact that some people are just single because they just don't have time to either find a partner or keep a partner. You usually find these people in the office. Enough said. Workaholics tend to fall in this category of singles.

The Insecure Single

You know the saying in order for someone to love you, you have to first love yourself? Although it's not a hard and fast rule but if you don't love yourself you're going to make it extra hard for other people to in the long run.

Single by Choice

Chosen to be single, they have replaced their need for a partner by surrounding themselves with a bunch of very close knit friends or bff's as they call them. You usually find them hanging out with a main group of friends and then filling up the rest of the time with other friends they have met along the way. They tend to be found in similar hang out places and at festivals.

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