
Life Changes and Makeovers

Have you noticed that whenever there is a huge change in your life that you also feel the urge to reflect it by changing your physical self or surroundings?

Changes are never easy...

The change may be anything from breaking up with your bf/gf or moving house and in my case, changing jobs. Even if the change might be for the better, it's never easy, especially for me. I'm the type of person that gets extremely attached to things, and by things I usually mean people - or Chanel ;). Knowing that the people you see on a daily basis that make you smile laugh and that you share all your experiences with will suddenly change. Although it's never goodbye forever it is going to be very different.

Relationships will be tested

It's in times like this that you really test the strength of your relationships. Just like when you change schools, break up with your first love or move to a different neighborhood you start off promising everyone that you'll keep in touch and nothing will change. But it always does. I'm sure we all have best friends that have been forgotten, neighbors that we used to see everyday but now we don't even call once in a year, and first loves we look back on because we don't see them around anymore. It usually not the fault of any particular person but new friendships are made and sometimes distance just makes it all too inconvenient. 

Bonds best kept warm

Although not all relationships will have the same intensity, I plan on trying my best to keep a fair few that I value dearly. The bonds best kept are the ones who you may not see often but when you do, it's like nothings changed and you're best friends again. I'm lucky to have quite a few of these connections. Apart from the natural evolution of relationships being those that are strong will continue being strong naturally and those that are weak will naturally die off, there are things that I'm planning to do to keep the bond that I've developed. One of those is sending random messages whenver I think about someone. My good friend with whom I've shared many fun and exciting adventures with has started to do this and being on the receiving end - it makes you feel really special to them.  Just receiving a message saying:


If you are not into the sappy lovey thing you could always just send random jabs at them randomly :) Something along the lines of "you smell" may suffice.

I won't be surprised if I lose some friendships along the way- all huge changes do bring about some loss, but I'll be grateful to walk away with just a few more special people to add to my awesome friends I may not see everyday bucket :) 

Time for a life makeover

Well not really but I did do a home make-over and dyed my hair a much darker color after years of my light brown orange (sometimes messes). Well that is also partly due to my complete laziness since dying your roots every few weeks is not fun at all.

Just like all things what was once shiny new and exciting can suddenly feel like it's taking up too much space in your life and in this instance - it was my beautiful king furniture Delta leather lounge. I paid a whopping $4,000 for this baby when I first got it and it sold for much less than half of it, but I was relieved that it has gone, to be replaced by a much smaller Ikea fabric two seater sofa. Cream has been replaced with a dark silver grey, and I have completely changed the layout of my house. The new layout gives us room for a two person workspace but I also had to sadly let go of my MALM dressing table which holds all my make up- it was actually buckling under the weight of it all.


Outfit of the day :)

First stop was Officeworks to look for a new chair! This one was cute - and the backrest made it so comfy. Felt crap without the backrest though, so I moved on...

After we figured out that the back leaning mechanism could be loosened for a light person like me I decided this chair was good for me :)

Next stop was IKEA, and we were hungry! I got tempted by the new salt and pepper squid on the menu and supplemented it with a kids meal so I wouldn't still be hungry :)

Ash got the large meatballs, balls that I could steal and eat too ^^

Worked off the food with some heavy lifting :)!!

Then played in the children's section :)

Finally came home with so much furniture I had to drive with my chest up against the wheel! It was definitely a learning experience! We bought a sofa and a desk :

Thanks for reading <3

Single people have more interesting lives

The other day, I was innocently sitting at friends house when suddenly a full forced verbal assault on "people with plus 1's" or in otherwise known as "couples" was carried out. The most amusing conversation continued with stereotypes of couples flying left right and center. Not only did it include humorously animated recounts of conversations that are had between two couples (acted-out by two males in this instance) but also included some heavily over-used stereotypes. This of course came from a person that was single and obviously hung over from the night before.

I thought I'd retaliate with a "in your face blog post" -  not to single you out? haha... excuse the pun, but I noticed that single people usually fall into the following categories:

Newly Single

You can find them at the latest parties, going out and partying it hard with other single people. Newly single people can't stand to be around other couples, because it just makes them want to punch them. They hide the hurt by surrounding themselves with fun loving fun people.

The Picky Single

We've all met someone in our lives that are single because they are just too darn picky to actually find a human who can live up to their expectations. These single people are the most annoying of all simple because they actually don't want to be single, so they complain about it constantly but they are soo anal retentive that no one can actually be with them.

The Time Poor Singles

It's a known fact that some people are just single because they just don't have time to either find a partner or keep a partner. You usually find these people in the office. Enough said. Workaholics tend to fall in this category of singles.

The Insecure Single

You know the saying in order for someone to love you, you have to first love yourself? Although it's not a hard and fast rule but if you don't love yourself you're going to make it extra hard for other people to in the long run.

Single by Choice

Chosen to be single, they have replaced their need for a partner by surrounding themselves with a bunch of very close knit friends or bff's as they call them. You usually find them hanging out with a main group of friends and then filling up the rest of the time with other friends they have met along the way. They tend to be found in similar hang out places and at festivals.

Sometimes two's a crowd

Ms Goody Two Shoes
If you've ever had people tell you that "You're a lot different to who I thought you would be" after getting to know you, you most like suffer from multiple personality disorder. Well, it's not a disorder as such, but a sign that you have two different personalities, one that may be confident, exciting and awesome, and one that may be scared, insecure and cynical.  Well I have both, and sometimes it may confuse the people around me.

Who is the real you?

If you have notice this happening to you, the first question you may ask yourself is - How do I know which one is the real me? I have a pretty simple answer for that: What were you like as a child? As we grow older we put up more shields and barriers and some of us can't even see through them anymore to find ourselves. But as kids, maybe of the barriers are non-existent and we are just ourselves. It's not to say that you haven't hanged genuinely as a child, and if you have, you shouldn't have two totally different personalities that exist. You'd also find that the persona you've developed to protect your inner personality is usually the complete opposite to the real you.

The real me

When I was a child, I was a really quiet kid. I kept to myself a lot of the time and I had a hard time making friends because I was so shy. I was an only child so a lot of the time I played by myself - lost in my own fantasy worlds. My parents weren't well off and my mum worked many nights as a cleaner to support the family while my dad worked during the day. A typical happy family scenario didn't really exist for me. As a result I was a very insecure, lacked confidence and as a little girl, feared being abandoned.

How I compensated for it

If you have ever had the chance to meet me, you may see me as confident, sociable and stable (or not, you tell me :)). However I still harbor a lot of self doubt and insecurities as an adult. This side of me I don't show, unless your the lucky few that I have come to trust in my life. Looking back at it, the self I project into the world is the exact opposite of how I used to be as a child. Funny that. I am pretty sure that I am in denile of my true self, somehow thinking if I do the opposite for long enough, I will start to believe it, and in some instances it has helped me overcome some of my insecurities.

Ms Bad Ass

What now?

I guess with this knowledge the next thing that may pop into your mind is...what now? What do you do with these completely different sides of you. One side you may not really like that much and it's usually the real you. I guess denying the real you by compensating for it will never get you to the point where you are comfortable with yourself. If you don't nurture and pay attention to the real you and you don't like what you see, you will live a life of secretly hating yourself - and that's not cool. Feed your real you with what it needs to be proud of itself, and you may be a lot happier in the long run. I'm now on that journey - wish me luck.

Well, there you have it, I'm sure that you know me a lot better than you did before, and please ignore my rantings if you are emotionally stable. This post may not be good for you if you are a hypochondriac either - sorry :P. I have a few more thoughts to share about how we are shaped as people but I'll leave that till next time. Happy Sunday!

Victory is best celebrated with food and games!

Congratulations to my lovely boyfriend Ash and his basketball team for being the winners of this season's matches in the B division. After attending multiple games, I have a very high level of respect for these guys. Who knew basketball was so involved? from the team strategies to the individual skills needed, its a pretty tough call. I used to think just being tall was enough because you could easily reach the shooting ring :)

To celebrate we all went over to Karl's house for a "bbq" which turned out to be just a food sesh and some good conversation and games. In my opinion these are the best kind of celebrations! Relaxing, good food, interesting social observations thrown in the mix, with dreams and goals in life shared, it was an overall very good day.

"And that is the reason why this victory is great, because different players have made contributions to the win."

Almost every victory in life has come about because of someone else. In life even though we may think we are on our own, there is always someone supporting and assisting you. Whether it may be your family or your friends, it may not seem that clear at first but someone is always around to help you win. It's really important that we all reflect on what we have achieved and give recognition to who has helped us get there.


It's been getting pretty cold here in Sydney, so the last thing I wanted to do today was freeze to death. An I miss wearing my mario hat...So I came up with this!

I am totally in love with this jumper, I've been wearing it non stop. So comfortable!


Trust the highlights of my day to be the food, but also some great company :)

Huge props to my boy :)!! Well deserved win!

Karl and his girlfriend Christine made this wonderful chilli fish dish on rice. So yum! It was also complimented by a killer potato salad which I didn't take a picture of.
Thought nothing could top lunch but it came pretty close - Satay Pho Noodle Soup from Noodle House ;)

Fun during the Easter long weekend!

This weekend was so fun! It felt like it's been ages since we've had a nice public holiday, and I made sure I made the most of it! I didn't expect anything less than my usual very lazy self. I made sure I slept in everyday :)!! Woot!


I was inspired to be girly this weekend, so decided to dig out an old pretty skirt and blouse I'd forgotten about. I'm usually quite casual and very un-girly so this was a good change :)


The highlight of the weekend was most probably the outing on Saturday! It was filled with shopping, food expeditions and closed off with a fancy dinner at the famous summit restaurant. I'm a woman with few words since I feel that a picture or pictures can speak a thousand words, here are the pictorial accounts of the highlights:

Happily waiting for my Pepper Lunch meal!

Hungry Hippo got her Beef Pepper Lunch meal :)
Resting my feet after some heavy duty shopping with my Cha Time. I tried the Pomelo tea, and it was yummy! Had little bits of Pomelo in it which was a nice twist.
The lovely dinner we had at the Summit. I highly recommend this place for a hot date ;). The grilled seafood entree was the highlight of the meal, followed by the mash and the string beans. I was way too excited by the mash potato, but what can I say - I'm a simple girl!

A little bit of childishness

I'm sure we all have items we used to love and have abandoned during childhood. What used to be cool is no longer something we would have near us. I got in touch with my childish nature recently. My boyfriend bought me a cute lego bag, at first glance I looked at it and banished it to "i'm never going to wear this" category. And it sat there for months, unloved and unused.

Well I came around eventually and decided to give it a go, after all I was wearing a casual outfit and didn't want to bring my Chloe Paddington to the Hip Hop International's event where it may be misplaced and lost while we performed. I took a deep breath, cut off the tags and put it on.

Surprisingly, it was pretty fun to wear, I felt much more in touch with my inner child and I ran around quite happily with my new bag. I may decide to try this more often :)